OAS MSME Newsletter: (May 2023):
This OAS MSME Newsletter is published by the Department of Economic Development of the Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI). It is dedicated to measures recently announced by OAS Member States to drive the economic recovery of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs). The policy responses vary from country to country and are specific to the economic circumstances of each Member State. Given that every day produces new developments, this inventory is in no way exhaustive.
OAS Women’s Economic Empowerment (WEE) MSME Clearinghouse Experiences
In our first sharing of experiences from the OAS Women Economic Empowerment project’s MSME Clearinghouse, we are delighted to highlight the experiences of Antigua and Barbuda
The Prime Minister’s Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP)
The Prime Minister’s Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP) is for the creation of new business entities which generate revenues, employment and innovation, and is essential for the development of a vibrant micro and small business sector. The overall objective of the EDP is to provide an avenue for Antiguan and Barbudan ownership of a greater stake in the economy.
Access the Prime Ministers Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP) Online Application Form.
Academy For Women Entrepreneurs (AWE).
Launched on July 27, 2021, the Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) Program in Antigua and Barbuda is a free entrepreneurship program to help women entrepreneurs thrive. AWE is committed to providing women the knowledge, networks and access they need to establish and grow their business. AWE was established by the U.S. Department of State ’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (ECA) in 2019.
Access a range of resources from the AWE Alumni Network including: A Startup Smart Handbook for Entrepreneurs, Startup Costs Calculator and Mentor Talks.
Gilbert Agricultural and Rural Development Center (GARDC)
This Center was established to develop the skills of men and women between the ages of 16 – 30 years, to be able to establish and operate viable farms or other agricultural and rural based enterprises, at a universally acceptable standard of living
Startup Huddle is a program from The Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) Global designed to educate, engage, and connect entrepreneurs. It is based on the notion that the best way for entrepreneurs to discover solutions to the challenges they face is through purposeful engagement with one another.
Access the application form to present your business or idea at your local Startup Huddle Chapter. Apply To Present Your Business or Idea:
The Secretariat of Industry and Productive Development of the Nation launched the new call for the National Quality Strengthening Program that grants financing in non-reimbursable contributions so that they can accredit quality standards for international conformity assessment bodies.
Within the framework of the inauguration of the Expo BNA Conectada exhibition, the authorities launched more financing, in addition to the $20 billion already granted in this line.
The Ministry of Industry and Productive Development of the Nation extended until June 15 the call for the official distinction that promotes and empowers Argentine companies that, by incorporating design strategies, implement improvements in their industrial processes and their products.
Growth Of MSME Sector Critical
Minister of State in Foreign Trade and Business has reiterated the importance of the growth of Barbados’ micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME) sector, describing it as “critical”.
10,000 micro-entrepreneurs accessed the SIBOLIVIA credit
The Vice Minister of Micro, Small Business and Crafts highlighted Wednesday that at least 10,000 micro-entrepreneurs accessed credit from the Trust for the Reactivation and Development of the National Industry (Firedin) with Import Substitution (SIBOLIVIA) with a disbursement of Bs 726.5 million, which represents 98% of credits granted.Sedem announces public call for productive units to be suppliers of subsidies
In order to support and strengthen the plural economy and the generation of direct and indirect jobs, the Service for the Development of Public Productive Companies (Sedem), an entity under the Ministry of Productive Development and Plural Economy, announced the public call for productive units for the provision of food to the Prenatal, Breastfeeding and Universal Prenatal for Life Subsidies.
Geographical Indication makes a difference for Brazilian crafts
Handicrafts from 12 Brazilian regions already have Geographical Indication (GI) registration. The work is a partnership between Sebrae and the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI). Subsequently, the artisans are guided through the registration application process. Craftsmen are taught how to obtain documentation, collect evidence, correctly describe products, and measure the quality of craftsmanship.Sebrae and MDIC will work together to promote entrepreneurship and crafts
The Vice President of the Republic and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, and the President of Sebrae announced that the two institutions will work together, after a meeting they had at the Sebrae headquarters in Brasilia. Actions will be carried out to strengthen entrepreneurship and crafts, such as improving access to credit, encouraging exports and digitization, and qualification and training actions for entrepreneurs.Growing number of businessmen established in the country
The quality of the Brazilian entrepreneurship showed an improvement in the last year. According to the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2022 report, carried out by Sebrae and the National Association of Studies in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (Anegepe), the entrepreneurship rate of established companies, those with more than 3.5 years of existence, had a slight increase of 0.5%, from 9.9% in 2021 to 10.4% last year.900 micro and small companies from all over the country will begin training in innovation
The Varejo Inteligente Connect Brazil project, promoted by Sebrae and CDL/BH, will promote connections between entrepreneurs and startups and individual consultancies.BNDES announces exclusive line for small entrepreneurs
In a meeting held this week, the president of BNDES and the president of Sebrae agreed that until July of this year they will announce an exclusive line of credit for small businesses..Sebrae and CONFAP sign an alliance to promote innovation in small companies
Sebrae and the National Council of State Foundations for Research Support (CONFAP) signed a cooperation agreement to promote innovative technology-based companies nationwide, through the granting of innovation scholarships.Indigenous Peoples Day: entrepreneurship as a tool for empowerment
Indigenous people tell how entrepreneurship promotes the economic and social development of their communities, preserving cultural practices.
The 40-hour law debuts in a support program for SMEs
Sercotec announced the opening of the Crece program, an initiative that grants a $5 million subsidy for small businesses and cooperatives, and that this year it includes an adjustment to favor applicants who advance the reduction of working hours for their workers.
Sercotec opens program to strengthen national unions
A subsidy of up to $20 million will be granted to federations and confederations of micro and small businesses and cooperatives in the country to finance investments, business management actions, working capital, and environmental and digitization initiatives.
Sercotec opens registration for new schools for entrepreneurs
The entity announced the start of the Women’s Business Strengthening Schools, a free training instance that will be implemented throughout the network of Business Centers.
The Tu Negocio Más Digital project will offer microbusinesses training on digital transformation, a diagnosis of their business maturity and will also help them implement technological solutions through Colombian supplier companies.
The Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism and Colombia Productiva will help improve quality standards for MSMEs
The new strategy “Quality for Reindustrialization” will help 1,600 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the country to train and implement quality standards required by national and international markets. This strategy will have an initial investment of $4,000 million, which will be used to bring specialized services to the beneficiary enterprises, which will be able to access these calls for free.
Free zones and MSMEs are identified as drivers of employment
The Minister of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs stated that two of the main sectors that boost employment in the country are free zones and MSMEs, with an impact on formal and informal employment, respectively.
Minister delivers PROMIPYME loans for more than RD$ 470 million in Santo Domingo Oeste
The funds will promote MSMEs and entrepreneurs in the municipality and will allow the creation of 1,779 new jobs.
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM) and the Center for Innovation and Professional Training (CAPEX) awarded 30 scholarships to women entrepreneurs and MSMEs from this province who concluded the international workshop on entrepreneurial behavior.
The Government provided financing for 40 million pesos to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in the North region, through the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM) and the National Council for the Promotion and Support of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Prompyme).
SSF and CONAMYPE launch the second edition of the “Financial Consulting for MSME” diploma
The Superintendency of the Financial System and the National Commission for Micro and Small Businesses launched the second edition of the Diploma in Financial Consulting for Micro and Small Businesses, which will be held in a virtual format.Public Policy Project for Economic Integration for Microenterprise
The Government of El Salvador, through the National Commission for Micro and Small Enterprises (CONAMYPE), presented the Project of the “Public Policy for Economic Integration for Microenterprises.” The Economic Integration Policy Project for Microenterprises is the national tool that will facilitate the transition to the formal economy, it proposes strategic lines to promote and encourage microenterprises by improving the cost-benefit ratio that formalization implies.
At least five of the micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) that hold the White Seal participated in the First International Convention ADVANCE. This is an event organized by the Guatemalan Association of Exporters (Agexport) with the cooperation of the Ministry of Economy (Mineco). The purpose of the event is to improve the capacities of those who are part of the national cosmetic and hygienic industry. In this sense, what is sought is that the participants strengthen their knowledge regarding the existing challenges and opportunities for the formulation and production of cosmetics.
$30 Million Boost for Rural Youth Economic Empowerment Programme
The HEART-NSTA Trust has extended its support for the Rural Youth Economic Empowerment Programme (RYEEP), by presenting $30 million to the Jamaica 4-H Clubs, which organises the initiative in tandem with the agency. RYEEP is an entrepreneurial engagement, designed to support youth participants through training in life skills, business development and management, as well as best practices in agriculture.
Ampyme generates financing for MSMEs
The National Authority for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (Ampyme) delivered funds for B/.2 million that will be used to generate financing under favorable conditions for enterprises in this sector of the national economy through the Fidemicro program (Trust for the Microcredit in Panama). With this program, Ampyme acts as a second-tier bank that assigns resources to a Financial Entity (EFIN) that in turn lends it at low interest. The money is lent to entrepreneurs in the sector who find it difficult to obtain loans in the market.
Ampyme and private sector unions seek to make the formalization process of MSMEs more flexible
A follow-up meeting to evaluate and find a solution to the barriers that hinder the formalization of companies in the micro and small business sector, was held at the offices of the Micro, Small and Medium Business Authority (Ampyme). At the meeting, possible legal changes were analyzed in order to facilitate the process for the formalization of entrepreneurs in this sector of the national economy, after identifying the barriers that hinder this process.
Alliance between MIC and DHL Paraguay, facilitate the export of products of about 50 MSMEs
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MIC), through the Vice Ministry of MSMEs, and DHL Paraguay with its PYMEXPORTA Program, in a public-private partnership, have facilitated the exports of some 50 micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with MSME certificate. The alliance, in force since 2018, results in 59% of the shipments generated; they were sent to Europe and Asia, conquering destinations for Paraguayan MSMEs in Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Croatia, Taiwan and others, with the main products being handicrafts , textile and leather.
America’s Seed Fund Week brings together tech startups and America’s Seed Fund agencies and resources to support economic growth..
Program Improvements will expand access to capital for small businesses, especially small-dollar loans, and increase protection against fraud as part of rule-making finalized in April
Open call for businesswomen to access non-reimbursable funds
Projects of women and trans women entrepreneurs and cooperative members will receive funds of up to $350,000 each. These should promote innovation or competitiveness. In total, MIEM will deliver $2,000,000
More than 120 MSMEs started a food safety course organized by MIEM-Dinapyme and LATU
Within the framework of the training proposal for the food industry promoted by Dinapyme’s Territorial Development Area, in agreement with LATU, the first of the four courses this semester began virtually, aimed at personnel from food manufacturing companies.
Cooperatives and MSMEs will receive financing for the international insertion of their products
Authorities from the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM) and the National Institute of Cooperatives (Inacoop) presented a fund that will support the participation in international forums for cooperatives and micro, small or medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs).